[ELI5] What exactly is a buffer in Computer Science?


I’ve always been confused with buffer for I’ve heard the term in many realms including programming (nodejs) and operating systems; plus, “buffering” in video players.

So, is it the same “buffer” everywhere? I mean is it a standard of some kind because it’s been used in many technologies related to computer science.

In: Technology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It is a temporary storage of information. especially when you talk about realtime data tranfers so if there is any transmission problem the user will not observe it

If you eat a chocolate bar each day you could purchase one each day but then you are out if you cant get to the store. If you instead have a buffer if 7 chocolate bar at home you can miss going to the store for a week and still have a bar to eat each day. That is what a buffer is, temperate storage of something.

For video what you do is to first retrieve for example 10 seconds and then start to play. So if the network drops some packet with data you can ask for it to be retransmitted to fix the problem. IT can also be that packets are delayed or the rate you get them at drops for a few seconds.

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