Eli5: what exactly is a virus and are viruses alive?


Eli5: what exactly is a virus and are viruses alive?

In: 130

69 Answers

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Edit: see u/iwasmurderhornets comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/11uezbk/comment/jcsaeex/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), which clearly shows that viruses are NOT alive; they rely on a cell’s mechanisms, and that cell is the actual living sub-unit.

Life = Requires protein to build cells

Protein = DNA + RNA

Virus = RNA

Virus + Host cell = RNA + DNA = Virus becomes alive, Host cell dies

Virus replicates, Host cells die

So Virus IMV is neither dead nor alive, till it meets an Host that ‘accepts’ it

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