ELI5, what exactly is “postmodernism”?


I studied cognitive sciences, I read shit-ton of philosophers, I wrote my bachelor thesis on philosophy of mind, but still I don’t get what exactly is postmodernism

In: Other

10 Answers

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So, the way I explain it to kids is by asking them to imagine that we started out in a box, but unaware that we were in it. Not a whole lot of exploration or pushing the boundaries. That’s our more traditional approach to art, philosophy, music, psychology, etc.

Then, I equate modernism with becoming aware of the box we’re in, defining the box, and exploring what might be outside of the box–all while still thinking in terms of the box.

Post-modernism would then be the realization (or decision) that there is no box, and that out notion of the box is a construct, and the process of deconstructing the box, so that we can stop approaching ideas with a preset mindset based on box vs not-box.

Idk if it makes sense to everyone else, but it works for my brain.

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