ELI5, what exactly is “postmodernism”?


I studied cognitive sciences, I read shit-ton of philosophers, I wrote my bachelor thesis on philosophy of mind, but still I don’t get what exactly is postmodernism

In: Other

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If modernism can be phrased as “everything is new”, new materials like plastic, airplanes, computers, phones.
Socially, the end of colonialism, end of world wars, beginning of civil rights and the equality movement.
The end of tradition.

Post modernism is that “nothing is new”
We wear new materials that look like old jeans, new phones but the same difficulty in communication, new cars but still just to move you around. It is the epitome of “the more things change the more they stay the same”

It is an acceptance that we are all findementally the same, my difficulty in feeding my family is the same as tribesmen in Amazon.

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