ELI5, what exactly is “postmodernism”?


I studied cognitive sciences, I read shit-ton of philosophers, I wrote my bachelor thesis on philosophy of mind, but still I don’t get what exactly is postmodernism

In: Other

10 Answers

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I think it’s a philosophy/rhetorical standpoint that urges people to immediately question the traditional viewpoints of things. The reason that’s so vague is because when you do some research it mentions metaphysics, morality, meaning; pretty much anything you can think of.

One thing postmodernism has become defined for though is its vigorous efforts in questioning gender, history, identity, to name a few. It’s really become a device for political and social influence rather than a genuine philosophy. Skeptics and defiers of postmodernism have likened it to Marxism.

I could be wrong though so help me out people, lol.

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