[ELI5] What happens in the brain of someone suffering from bipolar disorder that creates such a divide between moods and why does it happen in cycles?


[ELI5] What happens in the brain of someone suffering from bipolar disorder that creates such a divide between moods and why does it happen in cycles?

In: Biology

5 Answers

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Moods come in like the rainbow spectrum, red= anger blue= depression, purple=both, yellow=surprise, green= happiness, pink= elation . it’s comes in surprises, you go from blue yellow purple red pink, green, the chemicals in your brain just phase through all the colors, leads to crazy moods, sometimes hallucinations, panic attacks, rage attacks,, depression,, actions cause ptsd. which make the moods go from red to blue to yellow to green to pink,, white to black. Source, sister mom and grandma are bipolar. They can’t control it usually, without medicine real bipolar people are just emotional all the time.

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