Eli5: What happens to all the melted candle over time? Are we just inhaling a whole candle while it burns?


Eli5: What happens to all the melted candle over time? Are we just inhaling a whole candle while it burns?

In: Chemistry

12 Answers

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This is perhaps the best explanation I have ever seen. [The Engineer Guy replicated *The Chemical History of a Candle* lectures by Michael Faraday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RrHnLXMTOWM&list=PL0INsTTU1k2UCpOfRuMDR-wlvWkLan1_r)

I think it’s well suited for younger audiences who might also be interested in learning what science is really about… because the lecture really is more about “How to Science” and Faraday just used a candle to convey that.

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