ELi5: What Happens When Someone Is Struck By Lightning?


ELi5: What Happens When Someone Is Struck By Lightning?

In: Physics

2 Answers

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Lightning is electricity taken to a massive degree.

It’s about 300million volts and something like 200-300thousand amps.

For reference anything over 50 volts can technically shock you and even milliamps is enough to kill you. If it crosses wrong.

But lightning basically overloads every electrical impulse in your body. And if it passes anywhere near your heart it’s probably game over. You could experience delayed effects too if you survive. Memory loss for example. When I was shocked with 277volts I had jitters(like a sudden shiver randomly) and was told to go to the hospital immediately if I had any discolored urine as well. I imagine lightning is worse.

It will also burn at the entrance and exit. I imagine lightning would be much worse than what I had but it likely means you are burning badly in the head or hand and your foot where it would go to ground.

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