eli5 – What is a persons “second wind”, and what are the physiological processes involved in getting it?


You often hear of athletes or sports persons getting a “second wind”, how is this?

In: 26

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The main reason for the ‘second wind’ is the body switching between energy sources. When we start excercising we burn blood sugar which is very quick to access.

Once the blood sugar depletes we get tired but will soon switch to glycogen. Glycogen is a large molecule stored in our muscles that is made of sugar units that can be broken down to restore blood sugar. When that happens we suddenly feel energized and this is the ‘second wind’.

Once glycogen is depleted we will start drawing on fat reserves. Converting to fat burning takes even more time and instead of burning sugar we are burning ketones. The biochemistry is way more complex than I’m describing but ELI5…..

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