It’s a combination of two factors, firstly you are building up fat around your liver as a by product of the liver digesting alcohol for calories. This in general creates the bloated appearance.
BUT it’s not the “normal thing” for your body to create large fat stores *inside* your organ-area, fat is usually out by the skin.
So as your organ area swells with fat it starts to push outwards against the muscles and skin which is where the classic “beer belly” comes from – that beach-ball of tight skin stretched over muscles, filled with fat. *That’s* the reason why beer bellies aren’t just soft and chubby – they are so round and hard as well.
I think one of the main reasons is that alcohol consumption increases levels of cortisol, which promotes the storage of fat in the abdominal area. This is because of many things including the fact that blood flow is typically concentrated around the abdomen, as well as there being many more cortisol receptors in this region. As well as that, alcohol consumption just inherently promotes fat via de novo lipogenesis, as well as it just being calorie-heavy in the first place.
I used to drink a ton for years and got the point where I looked pregnant which was GD ridiculous. It finally made me angry enough to make changes – cutting back (but not quitting) on drinking, switching from mostly beer/some liquor to mostly liquor/some beer, exercise and eating better. In 4-6 weeks I’ve seen significant results (but still not where I want to be).
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