Eli5: what is anxiety as a feeling and why does it seem like it’s becoming more common?


Im just having a genuinely hard time placing the feeling “anxiety”. The explanations I’ve seen have seemed like very normal behavior like feeling unmotivated about something or nervous of meeting someone.

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

people commonly use anxiety and nervousness interchangeably but there are slight differences like severity and context. for example generalized anxiety disorder- a clinical disorder- is characterized broadly by feelings of fear, dread, heart palpitations, sweating, etc. this is either in the presence of a trigger which could be a test or there could be no trigger, sometimes anxiety or panic attacks can happen without warning. being nervous before a test, however, is completely normal. like having butterflies. there are trends in diagnoses tho so anxiety has been the hot take for a while but it’s because it’s used so much in conversation
edit: it becomes a disorder (obviously when diagnosed) when it starts to affect ur ability to do ur normal tasks in life like school/work

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