Eli5 What Is Bokeh


Photography Bokeh (Answered)

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In: Technology

4 Answers

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Bokeh is the name for the aesthetic quality of an out of focus part of the image. That’s much easier seen than explained.

[Here’s a random normal photo](https://www.adorama.com/alc/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/1-shutterstock_588634790.jpg). See the blurry background. That’s the normal kind you see everywhere.

[Here’s swirly bokeh](https://i.pinimg.com/originals/99/0b/09/990b097b201bc8bd810b2d3ed4911eff.jpg). This is caused by lenses with a particular kind of defect, that some photographers like anyway.

[Here’s donut bokeh](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/03/53/50/04/360_F_353500437_drGyzDDKemhG7uCmNYqHsb1pqkOWlsPF.jpg). Generally seen as very unappealing, this is caused by [catadioptric lenses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catadioptric_system) (more or less a telescope bolted to a camera)

[Here’s heart bokeh](https://picjumbo.com/wp-content/uploads/abstract-bokeh-hearts-real-light.jpg) caused by a shaped insert in the lens.

In general most discussion will be regarding the first kind — that’s the standard kind of blur you see, but there’s still minor differences between lenses and some sorts are more or less pleasing.

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