Eli5: What is cached data?


Eli5: What is cached data?

In: Technology

8 Answers

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It depends what the application is. If you’re talking about your web browser, that’s easy. Cached data is data stored on your computer. For example, when you view a website, your computer has to download the images and scripts and styles and your user data like your personal settings. Instead of re-downloading all that data every time you load a page from that website, your web browser saves a copy some of that data on your computer. The web page loads faster that way. If you’re talking about a phone app or pc application, the cache acts similarly. It’s just commonly used data that is prepared and ready for the application to access as it needs to. It could be stored in cache because it takes a lot of processing to produce that data or it’s sensitive data that you don’t want to store permanently.

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