Eli5: What is database in computer


What are the terms, sql database and how its used everyday.

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6 Answers

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Database is a general term for a store of structured data that can be interacted with by an application. The database is usually a standalone data store, with a separate application (DataBase Management System) that handles the details of data storage, organisation, retrieval etc.

A relational database is a type of database which stores data in separate tables, each with columns and rows. An individual table isn’t much different to a spreadsheet, where each row represents an item of data, and each column represents an attribute of that data point. A relational DB is like multiple spreadsheets that reference that relate the data points together.

Structured Query Language is a type of computer language designed for interacting with relational databases and their data. It is a standard that databases from different vendors can choose to adopt or not.

A SQL Database is a type of database software that implements SQL as the prime mechanism for querying its data.

Many software applications today deal in some way with large amounts of data, so they may use a database to handle storage and retrieval of the data.

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