Eli5: What is database in computer


What are the terms, sql database and how its used everyday.

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6 Answers

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There is many different types of database. Generally, if you’ve used Excel or Google Sheets, a database could be seen as something like that.

SQL is a language we use to get stuff (and insert stuff) into the database. For instance, imagine you wanted to get a drink at a bar. You would ask the bartender for that drink in English (or the language expected to be spoke about at that bar [this can vary too for databases]). Imagine you replace English with SQL and the bar for a database and the drink is a piece of data.

An SQL query (query = request/action) looks something like this:

SELECT beer FROM stock_room WHERE beer = “Bud Light”

(I haven’t used SQL in my day-to-day job in awhile but the syntax (meaning how the query is structured) is similar to this).

You could replace this query for many things. Such as you go onto Amazon and in the search bar you type in ‘Lights’, that could look like this (but of course much much more advanced) in their code connected to that search bar:

SELECT product_title FROM products WHERE product_title like ‘%Lights%’

This would query their database table ‘products’ (using the FROM portion above) and select ONLY the product_title from the results, ONLY IF the product contains the word ‘Lights’

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