eli5: what is DPF Regeneration in cars?


Today I came across my car showing the message “DPF regeneration in progress”

when it pops up the engine isn’t idle and engine noise increases.

What causes it? What you should do when the message pops up?

In: 9

6 Answers

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There’s a thing in a diesel exhaust system called a Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF). When the truck is working at low RPM a lot (like when you’re stuck in traffic), the filter accumulates some soot from the burning fuel. If you drive at high RPM, the soot will burn off and you don’t have to worry about it. But if you’re stuck in traffic or something, the engine needs to take measures to burn that soot off by running at higher RPMs for a while.

Some trucks will have a way for the driver to start it manually, but it will usually happen automatically. Letting that filter breathe freely keeps the engine running smoothly and efficiently.

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