ELI5, what is electrical resistance?


ELI5, what is electrical resistance?

In: Physics

6 Answers

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To illustrate it, take a spoon and wave it in the air. It probably doesn’t take a lot of effort (force) to do this. Now put the spoon in a glass of water and try to stir the water. Then put the spoon in a jar of honey or peanut butter and try to stir it. It will require more and more effort to stir the fluid going from air to water to honey.

Electrical resistance is the same effect but rather than force it is electrical potential (measured in volts) and rather than the speed of the spoon, it is the current (measured in amperes). A material with high electrical resistance requires a lot of voltage (force) to generate the same amount of current (motion) while the reverse is true of a material with low electrical resistance.

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