Eli5 What is Feudalism?


Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To answer your last question, parts of Scotland still practiced feudalism until as recently as 2008, when they were finally forced to end the system completely by the EU.

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Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

In: 0

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

To answer your last question, parts of Scotland still practiced feudalism until as recently as 2008, when they were finally forced to end the system completely by the EU.

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