Eli5 What is Feudalism?


Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically a select few nobles own all the land. They let peasants live on the land and in exchange those peasants get to work on the farms there. The nobles take a big cut of the money generated from selling the crops and livestock raised on the farm and the peasants get enough food to live on.

The nobles do this on behest of the king, to make controlling the country easier before people had phones and emails.

The nobles would spend their time practicing fighting because they were the military, which meant the country was better protected from other countries.

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Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically a select few nobles own all the land. They let peasants live on the land and in exchange those peasants get to work on the farms there. The nobles take a big cut of the money generated from selling the crops and livestock raised on the farm and the peasants get enough food to live on.

The nobles do this on behest of the king, to make controlling the country easier before people had phones and emails.

The nobles would spend their time practicing fighting because they were the military, which meant the country was better protected from other countries.

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