Eli5 What is Feudalism?


Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feudalism is a system of government common in the Middle Ages in Europe.

Lands were controlled by the Nobility, a series of leaders usually with hereditary titles who were responsible for maintaining and defending their territories, collecting taxes, and managing affairs.

Nobles would in turn be answerable to the King, who again was a leader with a hereditary title.

This would be like Army Captains and Officers being in charge of Cities and townships today. They would be responsible for defense, all the major government decisions, taxes, and infrastructure while the people in the area who lived on that land would pay taxes to the Military governor in exchange for defense and stability and living on *his* land.

These Captains, Majors, etc got their jobs because they were the sons of previous Army Officers, and at some point in the past of one their ancestors was given charge of this land by the King in exchange for doing a good job or because he owed them a favor.

The Officers would have loyalty to the President (The King) who’s in charge of the whole country, and who got his job for life because he was the son of the previous President.

When the President calls for the Officers help in a war, they have to answer and bring their own armies to serve the king.

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Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

In: 0

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feudalism is a system of government common in the Middle Ages in Europe.

Lands were controlled by the Nobility, a series of leaders usually with hereditary titles who were responsible for maintaining and defending their territories, collecting taxes, and managing affairs.

Nobles would in turn be answerable to the King, who again was a leader with a hereditary title.

This would be like Army Captains and Officers being in charge of Cities and townships today. They would be responsible for defense, all the major government decisions, taxes, and infrastructure while the people in the area who lived on that land would pay taxes to the Military governor in exchange for defense and stability and living on *his* land.

These Captains, Majors, etc got their jobs because they were the sons of previous Army Officers, and at some point in the past of one their ancestors was given charge of this land by the King in exchange for doing a good job or because he owed them a favor.

The Officers would have loyalty to the President (The King) who’s in charge of the whole country, and who got his job for life because he was the son of the previous President.

When the President calls for the Officers help in a war, they have to answer and bring their own armies to serve the king.

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