Eli5 What is Feudalism?


Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feudalism can be broadly defined as a way of structuring a society where you have people who own land, and then give or lend that land to other people in exchange for services or labor. So for example, a king gives parcels of land to his knights in exchange for their fealty and service in his armies, and in a second layer the knights give pieces of that land to peasants in exchange for the peasants’ farming the land and providing the knights with the fruits of their labor.

The closest analogue modern society has to Feudalism is landlords and realty companies, because they give or lend parts of a large collection of land that they own in exchange for their tenants’ surrendering a portion of their income.

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Well I understand the historians don’t have one unified definition but despite reading and looking it up the Web I still feel like I don’t get it. So that’s why I’m asking for a more “simplified” explanation.

Also if it isn’t a problem….is there a modern version of feudalism?

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Feudalism can be broadly defined as a way of structuring a society where you have people who own land, and then give or lend that land to other people in exchange for services or labor. So for example, a king gives parcels of land to his knights in exchange for their fealty and service in his armies, and in a second layer the knights give pieces of that land to peasants in exchange for the peasants’ farming the land and providing the knights with the fruits of their labor.

The closest analogue modern society has to Feudalism is landlords and realty companies, because they give or lend parts of a large collection of land that they own in exchange for their tenants’ surrendering a portion of their income.

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