eli5: What is IP address and does it give your EXACT location or just the internet provider?


eli5: What is IP address and does it give your EXACT location or just the internet provider?

In: Technology

6 Answers

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It’s just like a street address of where you live except it’s for a network device. A network card on your computer, your router, your modem, they all will have an IP address. In the way you are asking, it will be the modem that is talking to your internet provider. With the help of the Internet provider, it can be used to identify the box in front of the building you are in, and the ISP can give the name of the subscriber. But if you have multiple people in a house all using their own computer/phone/etc, it can’t say which of those people it was. Those devices have a private IP that is controlled by the router. Whenever someone in your house is on the internet, everyone is only identifiable by the IP address of the modem, not the address of your phone/computer.

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