eli5: What is it about coffee and beer that makes people love both so much as adults but hate them as kids ?


I am personally not a big beer lover, but I do dig some beer with good meat. However, I am an avid espresso lover. As a kid I hated both, especially coffee.

Frankly speaking, I would expect someone who first drinks either of those drinks to not really like their taste. Somehow, I still can’t do without at least 4 shots of espresso a day.

Is it a social thing ? An awareness(caffeine) thing ?

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Tannins are a chemical component found in both beer and coffee. Specifically they are responsible for the bitter taste/flavor. Children’s taste buds are still developing and the first ones that usually power up are the bitter receptors, it’s why children typically hate bitter vegetables and favor super sweet things. There are also some people (me) who are very sensitive to tannins and even as an adult cannot stand very bitter food or beverages. For instance all wine no matter age, brand, flavor, etc, just tastes like rubbing alcohol to me.

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