ElI5 what is Orthographic projection?


ElI5 what is Orthographic projection?

In: Other

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s a way of drawing 3D objects so that you can see different sides. Instead of trying to draw the object as a whole, you make 3 drawings of what you would see from the front, side, and overhead. These drawings ignore perspective. A classic example is a flight of 3 steps. From the front, you would see a square made up of 3 horizontal rectangles. The view from above would be identical. But from the side, you would see something like the outline of this:



Anonymous 0 Comments

An orthographic projection takes a drawing of a three-dimensional object and splits it into three drawings, each looking at the object square-on from one direction ([typically a side view, front view, and a top view](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/1sjaelzuGAk/hqdefault.jpg)).