Eli5 What is Plasma?


I can’t grasp the concept of it. And why and how is harnessing it from our bodies help cure diseases?

In: Physics

7 Answers

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There are two types of plasma. One is a state of matter and the other is a mix of water and protein that can be separated from blood. They have nothing to do with each other in any way.

The physics plasma is a gas that has had its electrons liberated by either high heat or strong magnetic fields. This makes the plasma sensitive to magnetic and electric fields. This is why it conducts electricity so well.

The blood plasma is separated form the other components of blood by spinning it really fast in what is called a centrifuge. This plasma contains immune proteins, water, and a few other components for clotting and things like that. The plasma can be refined further to make medicine or used intact to treat trauma patients. It is particularly valuable for this as your blood type doesn’t matter in regard for if you can get this plasma sample or that one. The reason being is the “flags” that your immune system looks for is on the cells that had already been removed when the plasma was taken.

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