eli5: what is procrastination from a psychological perspective, and why is it so hard to stop?


eli5: what is procrastination from a psychological perspective, and why is it so hard to stop?

In: 47

8 Answers

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Behaviorism would keep it simple: We do things to get or keep rewards, and avoid punishment. If a task is unpleasant or requires effort, there must be a reward for doing it, or a punishment avoided. We put off tasks because our brain estimates that the current cost/punishment exceeds the reward. This can continue for a while when the deadline is far off, because the cost-benefit hasn’t changed; as the deadline approaches, the reward or punishment becomes more real and immediate, finally outweighing the cost. Simply put, your brain is asking “What’s in it for me?”

People who procrastinate less would therefore be those who either can strongly anticipate delayed rewards/ punishments, who can add a reward in the moment, or who perceive a reward from doing something in the moment (like “What a relief I got that done and can move on to something fun.”) Times of general low motivation will tend to mean all costs seem higher, and all rewards lower.

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