Eli5: What is service economy?


I know that there are primary sector (raw resources) and secondary (manufacturing). The first one is deriving value from land (agriculture or digging stuff up). The second one is creating value by adding work (making chairs out of extracted metal). But service sector sounds like creating value out of thin air.

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6 Answers

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In a way, it is creating value out of thin air in that there’s nothing tangible that value is created from – no physical raw material. But that doesn’t mean the value created isn’t real. A doctor who properly diagnoses and treats what would be an otherwise debilitating or even deadly illness certainly adds a huge amount of value, but the doctor isn’t digging anything out of the ground. An engineer who designs a bridge adds considerable value to those who eventually use that bridge (and those who benefit from such use). A personal trainer who provides programming and guidance to a client who loses weight and reduces or eliminates medical treatment as a result adds considerable value. There are countless examples where a person’s mental abilities, knowledge, skills and talents add lots of value to the lives of others without that person extracting, processing, or distributing any sorts of tangible materials.

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