Eli5: what is superposition of particles and how is it possible?


Eli5: what is superposition of particles and how is it possible?

In: Physics

3 Answers

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To do this in an eli5 manner, consider a swing with no friction so it swings really well without naturally slowing down all the time. If you push it softly at random intervals, some of your pushes make it go faster and some pushes make it go slower (if you push it forward when it is swinging back toward you). Superposition is where you push that swing at the perfect time right at the top of the arc so that each push makes it go faster and faster exponentially. Superposition is where particles act as waves, which is a bit like a swing being pushed, and the waves line up perfectly so that the overall force of the wave is stronger. E.g. in the superposition of light, this means the light looks a lot brighter.

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