Eli5: What is the body trying to do when it goes into anaphylactic shock?


Is it trying to fix itself by closing the airways?….Or is it just a reaction and not a defense.

In: 81

11 Answers

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Your body has cells blow up and release chemicals that cause inflammation to tell the rest of your immune system to fight something at that location. One of the effects of those inflammation causing chemicals is to make more of that same cell type likely to blow up and release more of the same chemicals. Anaphylaxis is when there’s a chain reaction of these cells and they basically all blow up, similar to lighting a firework that goes off too close to the whole box of fireworks and all of them go off.

As the fireworks are going off, everywhere starts swelling, including the throat, which makes it hard to breathe. The other problem with the swelling is that the liquid causing the swelling has to come from somewhere and it mostly comes out of your blood, so then there isn’t enough blood flowing around your body. Between the lack of blood, and the airway swelling, a severe allergic reaction can kill you without medicines that are designed to prevent, stop, or slow down all of the “explosions” going off in your body.

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