[ELI5] what is the chemical/biological reaction that makes people sneeze when looking into the sun


[ELI5] what is the chemical/biological reaction that makes people sneeze when looking into the sun

In: Chemistry

6 Answers

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This phenomenon/condition is called Photic Sneeze Reflex and it’s believed to be genetic. It’s not well understood yet. I’m guessing it isn’t something that gets a lot of research resources.

The best theory I’ve heard is that some stimuli, usually exposure quickly to bright sunlight after being dark-adapted (used to being in a dark space for some time) causes a reflex reaction that is similar to an irritation in your nose. It may feel like it, or it may just be that the nerves trigger in the same path. That triggers a reflex of sneezes.

Think of it like getting goosebumps. The stimulus there could be cold, or fear, etc. Different things can stimulate the same reflex.

Be grateful it isn’t sunlight causing your knee jerk reflex I guess. HTH.

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