eli5 what is the color grey


wasn’t sure if i should post here or to nostupidquestions.

so i get that there 3 primary colors, Red, Blue, Yellow, combining them you get a secondary color.

add red and blue you get purple, add blue and yellow you get green, add yellow and red you get orange, combine all 3 you get brown.

So wouldn’t brown be a dark white or a light black since white is the presence of all color and black is the absence?

I think i also read somewhere that RBY only works for paint, but when it comes to atoms releasing photons, the three primary colors are RBG, in which case start from the top, go into the quantum chemistry if you need.

In: Physics

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Grey is white (all colors) but less bright than surrounding things. You can actually use a white backdrop in a photo studio to do any shade from pure white to pure black, depending on how much you light it compared to your subject.

Making grey with paint is theoretically easy and in practice very hard. All you do is mix opposing colors from the color wheel – orange and blue, green and red, yellow and purple. (Which, you’ll notice, means you would have all three primary colors represented.) In practice it’s not that easy, because very few paints are *perfectly* one color. Your blue leans a bit towards green, etc. So you often need tiny amounts of another color to offset that.

And as someone else said, grey is rarely perfectly grey. It’s usually got a bit of other colors in it. If those are warm colors, it rapidly starts looking brown, but cool colors we continue to see as grey.

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