Eli5: what is the difference between a generic drug to the original drug, and why do some doctors will swear by the original drug?


Eli5: what is the difference between a generic drug to the original drug, and why do some doctors will swear by the original drug?

In: 1046

47 Answers

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The main ingredients that you take the drug for will typically be the same, or from the same family.

In some variations, that drug will come combined with a different “mixer” – Think Vodka and Cranberry Juice, vs Vodka and Pineapple Juice.

Some people *may* be allergic or have a reaction to Pineapple juice, or maybe Pineapple juice hasn’t been on the market for as long (so less info about Pineapple Juice).

So Doctors will swear by the original drug because;

a) They KNOW it, and it’s been around forever so they know how it will react

b) they’re cautious of newer Juices

or the cynical view

c) they’re getting paid by big Cranberry.

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