eli5: what is the difference between a stroke and an aneurysm?


eli5: what is the difference between a stroke and an aneurysm?

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4 Answers

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As a layperson –

A stroke is a “disruption” in normal blood flow. For example caused by a blockage in a blood vessel due to a clot. Some strokes are associated with a break in a blood vessel which a. causes a disruption in normal blood flow because the blood isn’t getting to where it’s supposed to go and b. the leaking blood can now exert pressure on the surrounding tissue. This is called a “hemorrhagic stroke” (a hemorrhage is a break in a blood vessel)

An aneurysm is a abnormal swelling of a blood vessel due to, for example, a weakening of the vessel’s walls. This causes what is essentially a “balloon” of blood in the region. This can cause damage because A. it’ll exert pressure on the surrounding tissues and B. the weakening is likely to eventually *break,* bursting the blood balloon and causing massive, rapid blood loss.

So there is some overlap in the conditions, both can cause damage to the surrounding tissues by pressing against them (squeezing them essentially) AND both can be associated with a hemorrhage that causes blood loss and additional squeezing on the surrounding tissues.

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