eli5: What is the difference between cooking food and burning it, at a chemistry level?


In both cases you’re heating up food to change it in some form, but cooking changes it in a good way that maintains (or enhances) its flavor and nutritional value, while burning destroys the food.

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6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s the difference between drinking water and drowning. When you’re applying heat to food, you’re drinking water. Try to drink too much water (too hot), or try to drink for too long, and you’ll drown (the food will burn).

If you drink slowly and consistently (low/medium temp for an extended time), you’re less likely to drown, although it’s still possible (technically, water intoxication). If you’re chugging water (high heat) and not careful about the timing, you more likely to drown (burn). But you can chug water for a short period of time and be okay (searing or toasting). You can also sip water very consistently for a very long period of time (slow cooking).

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