ELI5- what is the difference between density and concentration?


I have looked up multiple definitions and they still seem the same to me. Can anyone help a non-science person wrap my head around the concept?

In: Chemistry

5 Answers

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Density measures the amount of mass per unit of volume in a substance. Concentration describes the amount of a substance dissolved in another substance. Changing the concentration of a solution changes the density of the solution.

Let’s break that down, take 1l of liquid with salt in it, say the density is 1.1 kg/litre. You have no information as to how much salt, only about the 2 combined.

If I said the concentration was 100g/litre now you know how much salt there is in the volume.

There is a relationship between the 2, increasing the concentration (eg adding more salt) will raise the density, as the combined salty liquid is heavier/kg

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