Eli5: what is the difference between sympathy and empathy?


People have tried explaining it to me before and I never really understood the difference. I’m hoping a simple explanation will help.

In: 25

20 Answers

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Answer: Someone who can feel sympathy can also feel remorse and have some moral compass. Could be the worse compass but it is an emotion.

Empathy means that you also feel what another person is feeling. Could be as simple as reading the word ‘puke’ to sharing someone’s loss.

It’s when these ‘antennas’ is missing we start to label people as sociopaths or even psychopaths.

They ‘know’ about empathy except they have never experienced it themselves

A typical human will cry if watching a sad act in a movie. We feel the pain that someone else is going through. Someone lacking empathy may also cry, because he or she find it is expected from them.

Note that lacking empathy doesn’t turn you into an ivul serialkiller. Some do as they can’t care. They simply can’t experience concepts like ‘love’

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