Eli5 What is the process of generating ATP?


Please help, I’m an a level student and this topic doesn’t make sense to me.

I understand that APT is generated differently in plants and animals, but there’s also bactera and other organism that use ATP so would there be a more simple and efficient way to describe and classify how each kingdom generate atp?

Also I kind of don’t understand the process of how it’s done. Does anyone have a non-wordy linear explanation of what exactly happens??

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

All living things respire, which is producing ATP from Glucose. In lower organisms like bacteria this is just done in the cell somewhere, while in higher organisms most of it is produced in the Mitochondria.

There is anaerobic respiration, i.e. fermentation, where ATP is generated without Oxygen. This is much less efficient than aerobic respiration, which uses oxygen to produce much more ATP per Glucose molecule. Most aerobic-respirating creatures, including us, can do both depending on the situation, though aerobic respiration is preferrable for obvious reasons. When you sprint, for example, you can’t get enough oxygen to your muscles to maintain that level of activity, so your cells also ferment glucose to get extra ATP out and sprint a little longer.

Plants use photosynthesis to produce their own Glucose from CO2 and sunlight. That glucose then goes toward respiring just like other life forms.

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