eli5: what is the science behind a hypothetical workout?


If one were doing 3 sets of 20 push-ups per minute(with a minute or so break between them), that would do more to build strength/muscle than doing 100 push-ups over the course of a few hours, just at a comfortable pace, right? Even though you’re actually doing less? Or am I wrong? Either way, why?

In: 8

4 Answers

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Bottom line is you need to get at least somewhat close to your limits to actually force your body to adapt. Doing 1 pushup every couple of minutes is not going to challenge anything other than your patience.

The type of adaptation your body makes will depend on what limits you’re pushing. If you’re pushing the limits of your endurance, your endurance will get better. If you’re pushing the limits of your strength, your strength will get better (assuming your nutrition and recovery are also adequate).

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