eli5: what is the science behind a hypothetical workout?


If one were doing 3 sets of 20 push-ups per minute(with a minute or so break between them), that would do more to build strength/muscle than doing 100 push-ups over the course of a few hours, just at a comfortable pace, right? Even though you’re actually doing less? Or am I wrong? Either way, why?

In: 8

4 Answers

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It’s complicated, because there are a few different ways that exercise causes strength and muscle gains. First, there is just putting your muscles under tension with a load. Second, there is causing muscle damage that gets repaired. Third, there is metabolic stress that causes a build up of waste products. Each of these things causes somewhat different responses that all help you get stronger.

So, comparing your two hypothetical workouts. The 100 push ups would be more total tension on your muscles than the 60 push ups. But the overall lower intensity means less metabolic stress. And both seem like they would cause muscle damage. In short, they’re both probably going to give you the same results, at least initially.

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