Eli5 What is the so called ‘sound barrier’?


What is the so called ‘sound barrier’? And why is there something visible when an Aircraft ‘breaks through’ it? What is it we see? I dont get it at all

In: Physics

7 Answers

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Imagine pushing a box through sand. The sand has to move out of the way of the box as you push it. Due to friction, density, and probably other things, the speed that the sand can move out of the way of the box is limited. Meaning, at a certain point, the box will reach a speed faster than the sand can move out of the way, and it begins to pile up. Eventually, the sand will get packed together and make a wall, and if the box isn’t strong enough, it will break. That’s the barrier in sand. The sound barrier is called what it is because that speed is the same as the speed of sound, because sound is how fast a wave moves through the air naturally.

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