Eli5 What makes purchasable currency such as Vbucks, Robux, etc impossible to glitch and make into an infinite money glitch?


Eli5 What makes purchasable currency such as Vbucks, Robux, etc impossible to glitch and make into an infinite money glitch?

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18 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not impossible but what makes it harder is that that information is being stored on a central server opposed to just a local configuration file.

So yeah, editing your own save file is “cheating” hacking into the robux servers is a federal crime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s not impossible but what makes it harder is that that information is being stored on a central server opposed to just a local configuration file.

So yeah, editing your own save file is “cheating” hacking into the robux servers is a federal crime.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s on the server and there are constant checks to essentially audit the amounts if someone did try to cheat or there was a glitch.

This also helps if someone was supposed to receive currency but game reloaded or lost connection before it was granted. When they return to the game the server checks and will grant the amount and often you will see a “welcome back, here are the coins you got.” This usually will end in an animation/vfx of the currency hitting the player wallet/ currency counter and the counter ticking up so the player doesn’t get confused about their winnings and the amount received (CS tickets for days).

Games that require a connection to the internet have this capability and are a big reason why they require a connection. It’s also why they tend to not be moddable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s on the server and there are constant checks to essentially audit the amounts if someone did try to cheat or there was a glitch.

This also helps if someone was supposed to receive currency but game reloaded or lost connection before it was granted. When they return to the game the server checks and will grant the amount and often you will see a “welcome back, here are the coins you got.” This usually will end in an animation/vfx of the currency hitting the player wallet/ currency counter and the counter ticking up so the player doesn’t get confused about their winnings and the amount received (CS tickets for days).

Games that require a connection to the internet have this capability and are a big reason why they require a connection. It’s also why they tend to not be moddable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s on the server and there are constant checks to essentially audit the amounts if someone did try to cheat or there was a glitch.

This also helps if someone was supposed to receive currency but game reloaded or lost connection before it was granted. When they return to the game the server checks and will grant the amount and often you will see a “welcome back, here are the coins you got.” This usually will end in an animation/vfx of the currency hitting the player wallet/ currency counter and the counter ticking up so the player doesn’t get confused about their winnings and the amount received (CS tickets for days).

Games that require a connection to the internet have this capability and are a big reason why they require a connection. It’s also why they tend to not be moddable.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you know what you’re doing, it’s actually pretty easy to avoid that sort of issue (if you want to learn more about some of the techniques involved, read up on [database transactions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_transaction) and [idempotency tokens](https://brandur.org/idempotency-keys). You might have some followup eli5 questions after that, though) . The hard part is having that security while running _fast_.

Because of the performance issues, games don’t usually worry about this for gameplay stuff, which is why many online games have some form of duping. Thankfully, there’s a lot fewer Vbucks/Robux transactions than there are item drops in games like diablo, so performance isn’t nearly as much of an issue. Combine that with how much money this could cost studios, and bringing in those well-known techniques becomes the pretty damn obvious choice.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you know what you’re doing, it’s actually pretty easy to avoid that sort of issue (if you want to learn more about some of the techniques involved, read up on [database transactions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_transaction) and [idempotency tokens](https://brandur.org/idempotency-keys). You might have some followup eli5 questions after that, though) . The hard part is having that security while running _fast_.

Because of the performance issues, games don’t usually worry about this for gameplay stuff, which is why many online games have some form of duping. Thankfully, there’s a lot fewer Vbucks/Robux transactions than there are item drops in games like diablo, so performance isn’t nearly as much of an issue. Combine that with how much money this could cost studios, and bringing in those well-known techniques becomes the pretty damn obvious choice.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you know what you’re doing, it’s actually pretty easy to avoid that sort of issue (if you want to learn more about some of the techniques involved, read up on [database transactions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Database_transaction) and [idempotency tokens](https://brandur.org/idempotency-keys). You might have some followup eli5 questions after that, though) . The hard part is having that security while running _fast_.

Because of the performance issues, games don’t usually worry about this for gameplay stuff, which is why many online games have some form of duping. Thankfully, there’s a lot fewer Vbucks/Robux transactions than there are item drops in games like diablo, so performance isn’t nearly as much of an issue. Combine that with how much money this could cost studios, and bringing in those well-known techniques becomes the pretty damn obvious choice.