Eli5 What really is a fraction TIMES a fraction?! It makes NO sense.


I am reteaching myself math, but something is bugging me soooo bad and I can’t find the answer. What is a real life example of multiplying a fraction by a fraction? I was wondering why .05 to the 5th exponent would get smaller not bigger. This is driving me bonkers.

Sure 1/2 makes sense, but how about 1/2 times 3/5 in real life?!?

Edit: OMFG. Math is cool and makes sense. Finally, I’m 28. Thank you all!!!!

Edit: I was given an AP Scholar award, but it was not for math.

* * * The best explanation goes to the person who explained “times” and “of” were synonomous!!!! * * *

NOW EXPLAIN THIS: How am I in the 99.9th percentile for arithmetic, but suck at math?! Do I have potential? Am I still gifted in “math” or are math and arithmetic too separate things. A professor told me they are different parts of the brain.

In: Mathematics

38 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’m late to the party, but I’ll give another real-world example of multiplying fractions. This is more related to how ratios and fractions are the same thing.

Let’s say that 3/5 of everyone is resgistered to vote, and 1/2 of the registered voters will vote on election day. I want to know what fraction of everyone will vote on election day.

The answer is (3 registered voters / 5 total people) * (1 voter on election day / 2 registered voters) = 3 voters on election day / 10 total people (or 30% of everyone). The “registered voters” units cancel out from the top of the 3/5ths and the bottom of the 1/2.

Edit: I’ll agree that 3/5ths is a…not great number to use in the context of voting, but it was the example OP wanted. I could’ve gone with a different analogy, but voting is topical, haha.

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