eli5 what’s the difference between an architect and engineer?


Seem to me that an architect is just an engineer with an art degree 🤔 surely there’s more.

Update:Thank you for all wonderful answers.

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27 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Hi, I am one of these engineers you speak of.

Architects are responsible for the design of the building, they focus on the aesthetics and conceptual aspects of the process. They have good but fairly basic training in engineering, materials, construction etc, and are ultimately responsible for the overall project typically.

Engineers (structural) are more specialised and are tasked with essentially making sure that the designs created by the architects are actually feasible. So I will go away and calculate the loads and carry out materials testing to see if the building will stand. If it does, we build, if it doesn’t, we figure something else out.

This is a very very simple version of both jobs. Architects are more generalists and more arty, engineers lean more on testing and science. Both interesting but just be a YouTuber, it pays better.

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