eli5 whats the difference between sound and wind?


Why if someone is shouting you can hear it from hundreds of meters but if you were next to them you could hear them but not feel the air moving but you can feel a fan if you’re close to it but you cannot hear it from far away?

(The bad grammar makes it even more eli5)

In: 1

4 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sound is a vibration of air molecules that propagates as a wave. Wind is just the bulk movement of air. Here’s an analogy:

You throw a rock into a river. That makes a ring of waves that move outward, right? That’s sound. All of the water in the river flowing in one direction is the wind.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It’s similar to the difference between a tide and a wave. In a wave the water doesn’t move long distances, but the pattern (the wave shape) does. In a tide there is no pattern, the entire body of water moves a long distance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Sound is a back and forth motion of the air. The molecules move, at most, a few millimeters, and they make this movement hundreds, thousands, or tens of thousands of times a second. Unless it is very loud you won’t feel this at all.

A fan just causes a lot of air to move. A byproduct of this is some vibrations but they are relatively quiet. The moving air quickly slows down and mixes with other air.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Wind is the motion of air.

Sound is a series of pressure waves moving through air or another medium, whether or not that medium is moving.