eli5: When people used wells for drinking water, how did they not get sick? Was there some type of filter or was the water just naturally clean?


eli5: When people used wells for drinking water, how did they not get sick? Was there some type of filter or was the water just naturally clean?

In: 6475

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Also, for everyone talking about “water from everywhere else but wells” there IS NOT GURANTEE the “clean” water you are getting is actually that clean.

The standards for treating water are crappy all over the world, sadly. Thankfully in 1974 the SDWA(Safe Drinking Water Act) in America went into effect and since the standards of drinking water has been high.

Now, obviously like Flint Michigan, someone not giving a fuck can certainly be a hazard to the people being served this water but…

Just always remember: when you turn your faucet on in America, 99.99 percent of the time its safe and drinkable…doesn’t mean its gonna be enjoyable though.

I prefer well water.

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