eli5: When people used wells for drinking water, how did they not get sick? Was there some type of filter or was the water just naturally clean?


eli5: When people used wells for drinking water, how did they not get sick? Was there some type of filter or was the water just naturally clean?

In: 6475

36 Answers

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I live in an area that uses well water for the most part. The small cities use treated water but not in rural areas. A well company comes in and will drill a hole 100 to 500 feet down until they hit the aquifer and the perc is enough to sustain a household. They cap it and attach a pump. Fresh, clear, cold well water is the best. No taste of chemicals which is what notice most when drinking treated water anywhere. Especially chlorine. It’s like drinking pool water. Gross.

Note: perc = the gallons per minute the well produces without a pump i.e. natural water pressure from the aquifer

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