eli5: When people used wells for drinking water, how did they not get sick? Was there some type of filter or was the water just naturally clean?


eli5: When people used wells for drinking water, how did they not get sick? Was there some type of filter or was the water just naturally clean?

In: 6475

36 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I grew up drinking well water in my house, and I’m under 40 in the US.

It was explained to me, that there are pockets of ancient water in the clay layer of the soil underground. It’s also important to know that soil is the best and natural way to filter water. So not only for water to get so far underground, you know it’s been filtered, but the fact that it’s been protected/sealed in a clay “bubble”, it’s clean potable water underground.

I always hated ‘city water’ I when I was a kid, since I was used to well water. It tasted to me like drinking chlorinated pool water. Even now that I have city water in my townhouse, I have a Brita tap filter so I can’t taste the water, because it tastes like bleach or chlorine to me still.

Now that I think about it, does it taste that way to everybody? Even people that grew up on city water?

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