Eli5 when you have a headache, what is actually hurting? Why are there different types of headaches ?


Eli5 when you have a headache, what is actually hurting? Why are there different types of headaches ?

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4 Answers

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It’s usually the pain receptors around your blood vessels and muscles in you head, neck, and face that are being triggered. The thin layer of tissue (periosteum) that surrounds bones, muscles that encase the skull, sinuses, eyes, and ears, as well as thin tissues that cover the surface of the brain and spinal cord (meninges), arteries, veins, and nerves, all can become inflamed or irritated and cause a headache.

There’s a ton of different types of headaches, depending on the cause. For instance, swollen sinuses because you are sick can cause a certain type of headaches. Tension headaches occur when you’re muscles are tight. Some can happen when your blood vessels expand. Ones like a sinus headache that are caused by something else are known as secondary headaches, because it’s the result of another illness. Others, like a tension headache or migraine, are considered primary headaches.

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