Eli5 : when you want to throw up, why is your mouth have increased amount of saliva that also feels bitter than regular saliva, and makes you want to throw up even more?


Eli5 : when you want to throw up, why is your mouth have increased amount of saliva that also feels bitter than regular saliva, and makes you want to throw up even more?

In: Biology

2 Answers

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Digestive processes begin with saliva. Vomiting is a type of digestive process. When you are nauseous, your body wants you to throw up, and this makes it a bit easier. Look at it as a good thing, since the increased saliva will help get rid of the taste.

And I’m not certain, but I don’t think it’s any more bitter. It might be because you are nauseous that you notice it. However, some causes of nausea may also cause bile reflux, and bile is super bitter.

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