Eli5: Where do curse words come from? Why were some special words chosen/created?


It seems odd that of all words out there, some were designated to be “curse words” and such. It seems like if somebody said, “These words are curses, it’s bad to say them” it would only increase how much a word was said by making it stand out. I’ve wondered this for a while.

In: Other

Anonymous 0 Comments

Basically there are two categories of curse words. Vulgar words and profane words.

Vulgar just means not sophisticated. Generally in English, these words are the non Latin based forms of saying things. Basically if you used the common words you weren’t sophisticated and it was considered lowly. (eg- defecate is Latin, shit is German)

Profane words are taking something good/sacred and making it bad, and is often tied in with religion. Hence why many profane words relate to sex.